Privacy policy

The policy is addressed to users of the website.

The Policy explains the collection and use of the users' data, which is collected directly from them or via Cookies. Data Controller and contact. The administrator of the data collected in connection with the use of the website is Centuria Spółka Akcyjna with its registered office at ul. Sarmacka 11, 61-616 Poznań NIP 972-11-84-489, tel. +48 61 646 07 77 fax +48 61 668 26 33. KRS: 0000999492 REGON 639852085 e-mail or . In matters related to the processing of your data by the Controller, you can use the above mentioned addresses to contact.


I Processing of contact data

  1. Our website allows you to contact us via email and/or the contact form.
  2. When you contact us by e-mail or via the contact form, the personal data you provide will be automatically stored.
  3. The provision of data is voluntary and will be processed in order to process your request or to contact you.
  4. The processing of personal data is based on the provisions of the GDPR (Article 6(1)(b) GDPR).
  5. You have the right to request the controller to access, rectify, erase or restrict, the processing of your personal data or to object to the processing.
  6. Your personal data will be processed for a period up to ….. days. If claims arise, the data will be stored until the statute of limitations has passed.
  7. Your data will not be transferred to other recipients or to third countries/international organisations.
  8. Your personal data will not be processed by automated means.
  9. You have the right to lodge a complaint against the processing of your data by the Controller with the Polish Data Protection Commissioner.

II Processing of contact data for marketing purposes

  1. Personal data will be processed for marketing purposes such as sending commercial offers, newsletters and making telephone contact to present an offer.
  2. The provision of your personal data is voluntary, but necessary to carry out marketing activities.
  3. The processing of your personal data for marketing purposes is based on your freely given consent (Art. 6 (1)(a) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27.04.2016. on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and the repeal of Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (Official Journal of the EU. L. 2016 No. 119, p. 1) – hereinafter GDPR).
  4. The data will also be permitted to be processed independently of the consent given, in connection with the investigation/defence of claims (Article 6(1)(f) of GDPR).
  5. You have the right to demand from the Controller access to my personal data, rectification, erasure or restriction of processing, the right to object to processing, as well as the right to data portability and the right to declare the withdrawal of any consent given at any time. The withdrawal of consent shall not affect the lawfulness of the processing carried out on the basis of consent before its withdrawal.
  6. Your personal data will be processed until you withdraw your consent.
  7. Your personal data may be processed for the period of the statute of limitations for claims relating to the processing of your personal data.
  8. Your personal data will not be transferred to other recipients or to third countries/international organisations
  9. Your personal data will not be processed by automated means.
  10. You have the right to lodge a complaint with the Polish Data Protection Commissioner.

III Data processing for recruitment purposes

  1. Your personal data will be processed in connection with the assessment of the possibility of cooperation in the scope indicated in the notice and, if you have given your consent, also in connection with future contact for the purpose of cooperation.
  2. The provision of personal data is voluntary, but necessary in order to initiate cooperation measures and, in the case of consent, also for future contacts for this purpose.
  3. The processing of personal data is based on the provisions of the GDPR (Article 6(1)(c) GDPR). The processing of personal data for the purpose of future cooperation is carried out on the basis of consent (Article 6(1)(a) GDPR).
  4. You have the right to request the controller to access, rectify, erase or restrict, the processing of your personal data or to object to the processing, data portability and the right to declare the withdrawal of any consent given at any time. The withdrawal of consent shall not affect the lawfulness of the processing carried out on the basis of consent before its withdrawal.
  5. Your personal data will be processed for no longer than the period during which the possibility of a partnership is evaluated. If you consent to the processing of your personal data also in the future, your data will be processed for the period for which you consented. If claims arise, the data will be stored until the statute of limitations has passed.
  6. Your data will not be transferred to other recipients or to third countries/international organisations.
  7. Your personal data will not be processed by automated means.
  8. You have the right to lodge a complaint against the processing of your data by the Controller with the Polish Data Protection Commissioner.





IV Cookies or cookie files, what are they?

When using the website, various pieces of information are stored in what is known as “Cookies” which are used to make the website easy to use and more effective. Moreover, the data stored in the cookie eliminates the need to fill in the forms again.

The data which may be recorded and stored until automatic deletion includes, for example, IP address, date and time of access, data volume transferred, identification data in the browser and operating system, time spent on the site, browsing history, the application through which you accessed the site, as well as the IP address of your internet service provider.

The above data is processed in order to enable the use of the website, to ensure the technical security of the system, to manage the network infrastructure and to optimise the website.

V What functions do Cookies have:

“Cookies” identify the details of the computer and browser used to browse the website and make it possible, for example, to find out whether the computer has already visited the website;
the data obtained from the them are not connected in any way to the personal data of users obtained, for example, during registration;
they are harmless to us and our computers, as they do not affect the way they work;
they do not cause configuration changes to the end devices or the software installed on these devices;
the default parameters of “Cookies” allow the information contained in them to be read only by the server that created them;
based on our behaviour on the websites we visit, they transmit information to the servers so that the website displayed is better tailored to individual preferences.

VI What can I do with Cookies?

You can manage your own approval of our websites’ Cookies in your browser and block them if necessary.

You can also delete Cookies that have already been set at any time. You can also find out how to deactivate the collection of Cookies in the settings of your browser.

VII Types of Cookies

  • Essential – enable essential functions to work – logging in, setting privacy preferences or providing security. Without them, the website will not function properly – user consent is not required.
  • Analytical – also known as Statistical – collect information about how often a website is visited and how it is used. This aggregated and anonymous information is used to improve the content and performance of the website – this is not possible without your consent.
  • Functional – also referred to as Preferred – allow the website to remember login details, language preferences, geographical region, in order to provide a more personalised environment and facilitate the user’s experience on the website. Failure to agree to this category may result in the user’s change of preferences on the site not being saved.
  • Advertising – Also known as Marketing – allows ads to be displayed that are tailored to the profile of the user visiting the website. Based on your browsing history, profiles are built which are shared with advertising partners so that personalised adverts are displayed on other sites.

Not accepting Cookies may, in some cases, lead to limitations in the use of our website. We recommend that you delete Cookies manually on a regular basis.


In order to protect the personal data provided from unauthorised access and misuse by third parties, a number of technical and organisational measures are described within the Information Security Management System (ISO 27001).